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Ostomy Life

Stephanie lives with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, which are chronic illnesses that happen in the digestive system. Her ongoing health issues led to her getting an ostomy, and now she is a medical advocate for anyone who is also dealing with these challenges.

The Journey




Diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis by Dr. Garland Gossett in Houston, Texas. Stephanie was 15 years old at the time, attending high school at Jack Yates.

While attending college at The University of Texas at Austin, Stephanie fell very ill and had to go home to Houston to be treated at the Dubuis Hospital at St. Joseph's. She spent over 45 days in the hospital, until Dr. Gossett and associates discovered Remicade infusions would help her heal.

Stephanie was living and working in Las Vegas, Nevada. She went in for a check-up and her doctors discovered more disease in her body, making her visit urgent. She had emergency ostomy surgery performed by Dr. Ovunc Bardakcioglu and woke up with an ileostomy.

Of course, there are a lot more events in regards to Stephanie's health journey, but these are the main highlights that led to her having an ostomy.


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